Friday, August 24, 2012

Outdated Advice for Job Seekers from…

We came across an article on titled “6 Things on your LinkedIn profile that should not be on your Resume”.  Who knew that a trendy blog focusing on innovation would offer advice that seems to come from the era of looking for work through newspaper ads?

One of the most surprising suggestions read: “A potential employer does not need to know that you enjoy playing basketball if you’re applying for a job in IT”. In other words – do not list your hobbies or outside interests on your CV.

Well, that is simply not true and let me give you a recent example! My last client pitch was with a Montreal-based marketing firm looking for programmers. The company’s president shared that one of the things he is most proud of is the diversified background of his employees. “One of my key web developers is a stand-up comedian, and a successful one at that! One of my top designers is a musician in a band that performs quite frequently!”, he told us excitedly.

If a potential employer could care less about your interests and passions to the point where you should abstain from including them on your CV, well that definitely is not a good sign! Especially considering that all recent studies point to work/life balance being at the top of job seekers’ lists.

My suggestion is as follows. Definitely include your interests at the end of the resume but make sure that they reflect your true hobbies and passions. The standard: “Cooking, reading, swimming” just doesn’t cut it anymore. The more your resume is a reflection of you, the more likely you are to find an employer who will actually care who you are!

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