Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Love Affair…

… with Recruitment

Our last blog post made me stop and think – why is it that I am so passionate about Recruitment? What is it about this field that motivates me more and more with every passing year? Why is it that I would not leave this industry, no matter how sweet a potential offer?

Everyone’s experience in the field is of course different. Here is an insight into my love affair with Recruitment.

To sum up a Recruiter’s day, I can simply compare it to riding on a roller coaster of emotions that never stops. In any given day, you are a networker, a therapist (yes, I have had to console crying candidates many-a-times), a friend, a strategist and a negotiator, to name a few. Not many other fields on the business arena allow you the opportunity to directly impact major events in other people’s lives. As a Recruiter, you can and you do.

Learning never stops in Recruitment. Just as soon as you consider yourself a major guru in the field, in comes a client and throws you for a loop. I learn about new areas of expertise nearly every single day. I discover industries that I never realized existed and I visit companies that blow me away time after time.

Most importantly, I never stop learning about the human psyche and never stop being amazed at the things people say and do. A candidate who gets a high-paying job but loses his cool about a mundane reference check and never shows up for his first day of work? Check! A candidate who tells a senior level executive interviewing him that she is beautiful (3 times during the same interview no less)? Check! A client who struggles to sum up why someone should work for him and can only come up with one reason – central location? Check, check, and check!

Navigating crazy situations become second nature to a Recruiter. Yet, hearing: “Thank you, you have changed my life”. Or “I jump out of bed every morning and run to the office – I never felt this way about work!” are pretty powerful things.

What I do for a living is both meaningful and exciting & I truly would not change it for the world. To be quite honest, I am amazed that I can have this much fun and get paid for it all at the same time. And if you don’t feel about your job the same way I do about mine, drop us a line – it is time to start looking elsewhere!

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